Hello lovely 500,
We are sending you all warm virtual hugs on these cold cold days and hoping you are all okay.
As temperatures drop below freezing this week whilst fuel bills are through the roof we were glad to have received this brilliant nomination from long time member Rebecca who found this site that supports those who have experienced, or are at risk of experiencing, homelessness by providing top ups for their energy bills as well as warm clothes packages amongst other things.
This week our £500 has paid for two months of energy top ups and two packages of warm clothes for people in need. We’re hoping this might mean someone doesn't have to decide between heat and food for a little while. Wrap up warm folks - you are all very precious!!
Love from your admins.
Here’s Rebecca’s nomination and a link to the site if anyone feels they could afford even a tiny extra donation to help those struggling.
Dear co-ordinators,Some months ago I mentioned to Jen Lunn that, as the energy crisis got worse, we really want to be looking into how perhaps Fuel Banks could be set up like food banks. It sounded a bit impossible and difficult to do and I certainly didn’t know where to start but it does look like these people have had a go and are making it work. Do you think we could put one week of our 500 reasons into supporting this, and then encourage anyone on the Netwerk who feels able, to make a contribution to do it privately. I would be grateful for your thoughts thanks Rebecca